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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Awakening in Primošten/Budnica u Primoštenu

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

I do not remember a time when my summer holidays on the Croatian Adriatic meant as much to me as this summer. Not only was I not in Croatia for more than a year and a half due to the pandemic, but last summer I missed a summer vacation that includes swimming and sunbathing on our seas. When I miss a vacation in the Adriatic, I feel that the whole year was not complete for me, and somehow then the following winter falls harder. From my earliest childhood I spent my summers at our seaside, and I did not change that habit even when I moved to England about twenty years ago.

I have been going on holiday for many years in the company of my Sara, and now my brother Alan is joining us for the second time. We have a great time together as we enjoy the time on the beach, but also everything else in our gorgeous surrounding. I especially like early morning coffee while it's not very hot outside and going out for nice dinners and long walks. Since all three of us cook, sometimes we cook dinner ourselves and then go for a walk and ice-cream later.

Several years ago, Sara and I decided to choose Croatian islands for our holidays. On the islands, the nature is beautiful, the places are smaller, and therefore there are fewer people than in places along the coast. There are also places on the islands that are tourist-famous and therefore overcrowded, so we like to choose and discover smaller islands still little known to the general public. But this year, at Alan's suggestion, we gave up on the island because the year is uncertain and the pandemic unpredictable. We did not want to get stuck isolating on an island. We decided to spend the summer in central Dalmatia in the small town of Primošten, where Alan's friend ‘Cowboy’ rents an apartment in his family house. The apartment takes the entire floor at the top of the house and an area of ​​one hundred square meters. My brother convinced me that Primošten and the apartment are a great choice, "The view from the terrace of the apartment is worth a million dollars." And indeed, the apartment is very beautiful and the view from the terrace of a small bay with sailboats and the old town of Primošten is magical. In front of the apartment is the beach, so you can quickly jump into the sea. The old town of Primošten with restaurants and cafes is a short 5-minute walk by the sea.

The day before yesterday, Sara's dad and his partner came to visit us for two days. Yesterday, they spent a day with Sara in the nearby National Park, the Krka Waterfalls. If you decide to spend your summer in Primošten, visit these extraordinary and beautiful waterfalls.

This morning at the crack of dawn (6:30) I was awakened by the music of a brass band marching through an empty street and playing an awakening song on the occasion of the holiday in Croatia, Victory Day. I was very happy when I heard the orchestra playing because I used to play the awakening songs myself as a member of a brass band, only then it was a completely different holiday.


Friday, August 6th, 2021

Budnica u Primoštenu

Ne sjećam se vremena kada su mi ljetovanja na hrvatskom Jadranu značila jednako kao i ovo ljeto. Ne samo da nisam bila u Hrvatskoj više od godinu i pol dana zbog pandemije, već sam prošlog ljeta propustila ljetovanje koje uključuje kupanje i sunčanje na našem moru. Kad propustim godišnji odmor na Jadranu, osjećam da mi cijela godina nije bila potpuna i nekako mi onda slijedeća zima teže pada. Od najranijeg djetinjstva ljetovala sam na našem moru, a tu naviku nisam promijenila ni kad sam se prije dvadesetak godina preselila u Englesku.

Dugo godina odlazim na ljetovanje u društvu svoje Sare, a sada nam se po drugi put pridružuje i moj brat Alan. Sjajno se provodimo zajedno uživajući u boravku na plaži, ali i svemu ostalom u našem prekrasnom okruženju. Posebno volim ranu jutarnju kavu dok vani nije jako vruće i izlaske na lijepe večere i duge šetnje. Budući da nas troje kuhamo, ponekad sami skuhamo večeru, a zatim kasnije odemo u šetnju i sladoled.

Prije nekoliko godina Sara i ja odlučile smo za godišnje odmore birati hrvatske otoke. Na otocima je priroda lijepa, mjesta su manja, pa je i manje ljudi nego na mjestima uz obalu. Na otocima postoje i mjesta koja su turistički poznata i stoga prenapučena pa volimo birati i otkrivati ​​manja mjesta koja su široj javnosti još uvijek malo poznata. No ove smo godine, na Alanov prijedlog, odustali od otoka jer je godina neizvjesna, a pandemija nepredvidiva i nismo htjeli zaglaviti izolirani na otoku. Ljeto smo odlučili provesti u srednjoj Dalmaciji u gradiću Primoštenu, gdje Alanov prijatelj ‘Kauboj’ iznajmljuje stan u svojoj obiteljskoj kući. Stan zauzima cijeli kat na vrhu kuće i ima površinu od sto četvornih metara. Brat me uvjerio da su Primošten i apartman odličan izbor, "Pogled s terase stana vrijedi milijun dolara." I doista, apartman je jako lijep, a pogled s terase na malu uvalu s jedrilicama i na stari grad Primošten je uistinu čaroban. Ispred apartmana je plaža, pa možete brzo skočiti u more. Stari grad Primošten s restoranima i kafićima udaljen je 5 minuta hoda uz more.

Prekjučer su nam Sarin tata i njegova partnerica došli u posjet na dva dana. Jučer su sa Sarom proveli dan u obližnjem Nacionalnom parku, na slapovima Krke. Odlučite li ljetovati u Primoštenu, posjetite ove izvanredne i prekrasne slapove.

Jutros u cik zore (6:30) probudila me glazba duhačkog orkestra koji je marširao praznom ulicom i svirao budnicu povodom blagdana u Hrvatskoj, Dana pobjede. Bila sam jako sretna kad sam čula kako svira orkestar jer sam i sama kao član jednog duhačkog orkestra svirala budnicu, samo što je tada to bio potpuno drugačiji praznik.


Petak, 6. kolovoza 2021.

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