Since childhood, although very occasionally and without much continuity and studiousness, I have returned to poetry. Today I remember and am happy to have loved poets from all over the world. These include the Chilean Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), the Russian Sergei Yesenin (1895-1925), the American Emily Dickenson (1830-1886), the American Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), the Spanish Frederico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), the English Emily Bronte and many others. Even today, when I occasionally write poems myself, I like to go back and read some famous and dear verses of great poets. The question arises as to whether I am also part of that team, am I a poet?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friends for their words of support on this blog. Your words in which you praise my verses are for me a warm and gentle wind in my back. They push me to write one poem, then another. And so, although not without questioning, I think more and more of myself as a poet.
I have already written about the Croatian poet Vesina Parun on this blog, whom I presented with the poem "You who have more innocent hands". Another poet that I and many in Croatia have always considered ours, even though she is a Serbian poet, is called Desanka Maksimović.
Here I present her poem "Happiness".
English Translation
I don’t measure time in hours any more,
not even by the hot walk of the Sun;
Day for me is when his eyes return,
and night when they leave me again.
I don’t measure happiness by laughter, nor
whether my longing is stronger than his;
Happiness for me is when I am painfully silent with him,
and when our hearts beat to the rhythm of tears.
I do not regret that life’s rivers
will carry my green branches away;
Now let youth and everything go away,
he stood amazed beside me.
Friday, May 13th, 2022
Jesam li pjesnikinja?
Već od djetinjstva, u različitim segmentima života, premda vrlo povremeno i bez kontinuiteta i studioznosti, vraćala sam se poeziji. Danas se prisjećam i sretna sam da imam po čitavom svijetu voljene pjesnike. To su Čileanac Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Rus Sergej Jesenjin (1895- 1925), Amerikanka Emily Dickenson (1830-1886), Amerikanac Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), Španjolac Frederico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), Engleskinja Emily Bronte i mnogi drugi. I danas kad povremeno sama pišem stihove, volim se vratiti i pročitati neke poznate i drage stihove velikih pjesnika. Nametne mi se pitanje dali sam i ja dio te ekipe, jesam li pjesnikinja?
Ovom prilikom zahvaljujem mojim dragim prijateljima koji mi na ovom blogu upućuju riječi podrške. Vaša potpora i pohvale mojim stihovima su za mene topli i nježni vjetar u leđa. To me pogurne da napišem joj jednu pjesmu, pa još jednu i tako, iako ne bez preispitivanja, sve više i o sebi razmišljam kao o pjesnikinji.
O hrvatskoj pjesnikinji Vesni Parun već sam pisala i predstsvila sam je pjesmom “Ti koja imas nevinije ruke”. Jedna druga pjesnikinja koju sam i ja i mnogi u Hrvatskoj nekako oduvijek smatrali našom, iako je srpska pjesnikinja, zove se Desanka Maksimović.
Ovdje predstavljam njezinu pjesmu “Sreća”.
Ne merim više vreme na sate,
ni po sunčevom vrelom hodu;
Dan mi je kada njegove se oči vrate,
i noć kad ponovo od mene odu.
Ne merim sreću smehom, ni time
da li je čežnja moja od njegove jača;
Sreća je meni kad bolno ćutim s njime,
i kad nam srca biju ritmom plača.
Nije mi žao što će života vode
odneti i moje grane zelene;
sad neka mladost i sve neka ode,
on je zadivljen stao kraj mene.
S ljubavlju,
Petak, 13. svibnja 2022.