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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Alone in the silence/Sama u tišini

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

This woman carries the sun within her

And love, with a handful of roses that do not wither.

In this woman her worlds are linked,

With bridges that are built slowly and with time.

This woman carries rivers within her,

Its shores are gentle and tame.

In this woman the sea of ​​hope flows,

With waters that never stop in place.

This woman has eyes full of colour.

In her eyes, live eternal rainbows.

This woman knows that by not betraying herself

She stays alone in the silence that embraces only him.



Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

Sama u tišini

Ova žena u sebi nosi sunce

I ljubav, uz pregršt ruža koje ne venu.

U ovoj se ženi premoštavaju svijetovi,

Mostovima koje se grade dugo i polako.

Ova žena u sebi nosi rijeke,

Njezine su obale pitome i blage.

U ovoj se ženi pretaču mora nade,

Vodama koje nikada ne staju u mjestu.

Ova žena ima oči prepune boja.

U njezinom se pogledu naziru duge što traju.

Ova žena zna da neizdajući sebe

Osataje sama u tišini u kojoj nalozi samo njega.

S ljubavlju,


Utorak, 16. studenog 2021.

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