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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

A self-isolation/Samoizolacija

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Late Thursday evening I was greeted by a rather unpleasant surprise; the NHS app informed me that I have to go into self-isolation starting immediately. I was surprised by this information because none of the people I hang out with every day have symptoms of infection and illness. Still under the impression of the initial shock, I first sent messages to my co-workers Eduardo I Karishma. Although it was late in the evening, after 10 p.m. they immediately responded warmly with words of support. Then I sent messages to my friends Kevin, Chris, Ira and Katarina and they were all fine. In the morning I informed my boss that I had to go into self-isolation and only after she answered I stopped for a while and thought about possible scenarios. I hang out with people indoors in only two locations, and that’s either at my job or at the gym. I don’t go to pubs, restaurants, cinemas etc. Everyone was fine at my job. If someone had been sick I would have already found out. So, what was left was the gym. It is quite possible that someone was tested positive who was in the gym two days ago, the same as me, and that they sent all the people who were in the gym that day into self-isolation.

The first day of isolation was weird and I didn't know what to do. I stopped being interested in the very interesting book I was reading till the day before, I did not want to cook or to do anything. The only thing I did was reply to work-related emails, and that was it. Luckily, it was raining so I slept through part of the day. My friend Katarina, who went through self-isolation twice, called me and only then did I realize what it was like, and I told her: “So how did you endure? You didn't complain at all. How come you didn't complain? It's awful to me.” She laughed and said comfortingly, “No, it wasn't hard at all. You will see, it will pass quickly.”

The second day I was still in a weird mood, almost blocked. It wasn't until the third day that I pulled away, started cooking, readings, and tidied up my closet, from which I set aside things for charity.

Today is my fifth day at home and I feel good. I don't have any symptoms of the disease and the only thing that bothers me is that feeling of wanting to go out, and I can't. Somehow, I feel unnecessarily isolated. I have heard that the government is considering testing in some cases to replace self-isolation and it seems to me that this would be justified in this case of mine.

Today I was also working in the garden and somehow, after Monday is over and after I have done half the isolation, the end of this strange week is in sight.


Tuesday, June 8th, 2021


U četvrtak kasno navečer dočekalo me prilično neugodno iznenađenje; NHS aplikacija (britanski zdrastveni sustav) obavijestila me je da moram krenuti u samoizolaciju počevši odmah. Iznenadila me ta obavijest jer nitko od ljudi s kojima se svakodnevno družim nema simptome infekcije i bolesti. Ipak, pod dojmom početnog šoka, prvo sam poslala poruke svojim suradnicima Eduardu I Karishmi. Iako je bilo kasno navečer, nakon 22 sata, odmah su toplo odgovorili riječima podrške. Tada sam poslala poruke svojim prijateljima Kevinu, Chrisu, Iri i Katarini i svi su bili dobro. Ujutro sam obavijestila svoju šeficu da se moram samoizolirati i tek nakon što mi je odgovorila na trenutak sam zastala i razmislila o mogućim scenarijima. Družim se s ljudima u zatvorenom na samo dva mjesta, a to je ili na mom poslu ili u teretani. Ne idem u pubove, restorane, kina itd. Na poslu su svi dobro i da je netko bio bolestan, već bih to saznala. Dakle, ostala je samo teretana. Sasvim je moguće da je netko pozitivno testiran tko je bio u teretani prije dva dana, isto kao i ja, i da je sve ljude koji su tog dana bili u teretani poslao u samoizolaciju.

Prvi dan izolacije bio je čudan i nisam znala kud bi sa sobom. Prestala me zanimati vrlo zanimljiva knjiga koju sam čitala do dan prije; nisam željela kuhati niti raditi gotovo bilo što. Jedino sam odgovorila na e-mail poruke povezane s poslom i to je bilo to. Srećom, padala je kiša pa sam prespavala dio dana. Nazvala me moja prijateljica Katarina koja je dva puta prošla samoizolaciju i tek tada sam shvatila kako je to i rekla sam joj: „Pa kako si izdržala? Nisi uopće kukala. Pa kako to da nisi kukala? Meni je grozno.” Nasmijala se i rekla utješno,“ Ne, uopće nije bilo teško. Buš vidila, brzo to projde. "

Drugi dan sam bila još uvijek čudno raspoložena, gotovo blokirana. Tek sam se trećeg dana oporavila, počela kuhati, čitati i detaljno pospremila svoj ormar.

Danas mi je peti dan kod kuće i osjećam se dobro. Nemam nikakvih simptoma bolesti i muči me jedino osjećaj želje za izlaskom, a ne smijem. Nekako se osjećam nepotrebno izoliranom. Čula sam da vlada u nekim slučajevima razmatra testiranje kako bi zamijenila samoizolaciju i čini mi se da bi to bilo opravdano u ovom mom slučaju.

Danas sam radila i u vrtu i nekako, nakon što je ponedeljak pri kraju i nakon što sam pola izolacije odradila nazire se kraj ovom čudnom tjednu.


Utorak, 8. lipnja 2021.

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