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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

6 more days/Još 6 dana

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

There are only 6 more days left until my trip to Croatia. The weather in England is wonderful, summery, and today temperatures up to 30 degrees were announced. During my 2 decades in England, I got used to the English climate, and I now prefer colder weather. So, like the English, when temperatures exceed 25 degrees, I complain that it's terribly hot and I'm not the happiest. But now that my departure to Croatia is approaching, the heat doesn't bother me. I can already see myself on a Croatian beach, in the shade by the sea, with a cappuccino and a good book. I am going to the beach with my brother whom I already miss terribly, although thanks to WhatsApp we see and hear each other every day. But it’s still not the same as the time we spend truly together. My daughter is now an adult, and she chooses where to spend her vacation, but she chose to be by sea with me and her uncle and that is my great happiness. She was initially supposed to fly from England directly to the seaside, but when her dad changed his plans and decided to go to Croatia by car, she decided to go with him.

Entering Croatia is very easy. It is necessary to have either a certificate of vaccination or a negative Covid test. Croatia is currently on the English green list but returning to England will be more complicated. It is necessary to have a negative Covid test up to three days old, a certificate of stay in the last 10 days, completed and printed a maximum of 2 days before the trip back, as well as a certificate of a purchased Covid test to be performed the second day after returning to England. Since Sarah's dad travels by car, he has to check the rules in France, Germany, Austria and Slovenia as well. Some decisions of the governments of various countries, regarding restrictions during travel are a bit unusual and politics seems to play a role, not just the covid situation in individual countries. The UK is currently by far the most infected European country, and I am grateful to Croatia for accepting us with open arms nonetheless.

The only thing I'm a little sorry for, in all my happiness and anticipation of the trip to Croatia, is that I will not be travelling to Croatia with one long-legged, charming Englishman.


Sunday, July 18th, 2021

Još 6 dana

Ostalo je još samo 6 dana do mog vjerovatnog puta u Hrvatsku. Vrijeme u Engleskoj je divno, parvo ljetno i danas najavljuju i do 30 stupnjeva. Odvikla sam se doduše od tih vrućina i akomodirala se na hladniju klimu pa sam poput Engleza, kad temperature pređu 25 stupnjeva prigovaram da je strahovito vruće i nisam najsretnija. No, sad kako se bliži moj odlazak u Hrvatsku, niti vrućine mi ne smetaju. Već se vidim na nekoj hrvatskoj plaži, u hladu uz more, uz kapucino i dobru knjigu. Sa sobom vodim brata koji mi već strahovito nedostaje, premda se zahvaljujući najnovim tehnologijama vidimo i čujemo svaki dan. Ali ipak nije niti to isto kao vrijeme koje provodimo uistinu zajedno. Moja kćer je sad već odrasla i sama bira gdje ce provesti svoj odmor, ali izabrala je da bude na moru samnom i sa ujom i to mi je velika sreća. Ona je inicijalno trebala letiti iz Engleske direktno za more, ali kad je njezin tata promijenio planove i odlučio ići za Hrvatsku autom i ona ce sa njim.

Ulazak u Hrvatsku je vrlo jednostavan. Potrebno je imati ili potvrdu od cijepljenju ili negativan Covid test. Hrvatska je trenutno na Engleskoj zelenoj listi, ali ipak povratak u Englesku će biti kompliciraniji. Potrebno je imati negativan Covid test star do tri dana, potvrdu o boravku u posljednjih 10 dana, ispunjenu i isprintanu maksimalno 2 dana prije puta nazad, kao i potvrdu o kupljenom Covid testu koji će biti obavljen drugi dan nakon povratka u Englesku. Obzirom da Sarin tata putuje autom mora provjeriti pravila u Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Austriji i Sloveniji. Neke su odluke vlada raznih zemalja, vezano za restrikcije tokom putovanja pomalo neobične i čini se da politika ima ulogu, ne samo covid situacije u pojedinim zemljama. UK je trenutno uvjerljivo najzaraženija evropska zemlja i ja sam zahvalna Hrvatskoj što nas usprkos tome prima raširenih ruku.

Jedino sto mi je malo žao, u čitavoj svojoj sreći i isčekivanju puta u Hrvatsku, je što sa sobom u Hrvatsku ne vodim i jednog sasvim jedinstvenog, zgodnog, dugonong, šarmantnog Engleza.


Nedelja, 18. srpnja 2021.

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