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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

6 kg kicked! 14 to go/6 kg rijeseno, ostalo 14!

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

At the end of January this year, the scales showed what I felt myself, and that was that I weighed too much, more precisely 80 kg. My clothes were tight, especially my jeans, and I could no longer put on some tight skirts of size 14 (42). And then something clicked in me and I realised it can't go on like this. I do not know if those numbers startled me, first of all my weight and also my size number, or it rang in my head when I was measured by a man I really like. The important thing is that I realized I had to work hard on myself. I set a goal to lose 20 kg by the end of the year and return to my ideal weight of 60 kg. Whether I will persist in this and succeed, I still cannot say with certainty, but for now the numbers are moving in the right direction, and my liking for myself is also on the rise. I have lost 6 kg in the last three months, which means I’m losing roughly a half of kg a week.

How did I do this? Well, I didn’t actually follow any recommended diet, other than knowing I had to eat less. My belief is that everyone must find their own system that will allow them to achieve this goal to eat less. I have always suspected the recommendation that if you want to lose weight you should not eat anything after 6 or 7 in the evening is a myth, and I have now proven that. I start eating around 5-6 in the afternoon and do not stop until 10-11 in the evening. I lose weight by eating less in the end, but I also watch what I eat. I skip breakfast, I skip lunch more and more easily, but dinner is important to me. For dinner, I eat a variety of meat, fish, seafood, cheeses, eggs, vegetables of all types and methods of preparation, from fresh to cooked and baked. I avoid bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and cakes. I cannot completely give up sweets, so I eat dark chocolate almost every day after dinner. After dinner with TV I nibble on pistachios, and various fruits.

How do I spend the morning without breakfast? Easily. I drink cappuccino. I repeat the same thing for lunch. I drink my morning cappuccino in a coffee shop near work. I buy a cappuccino for lunch at a fine French bakery. As I approach the bakery they have lots of cakes, which I watch every day, but I do not buy one with my cappuccino. I have come to terms with the fact that it’s not my food right now and I’m moving on.

A few weeks ago, I returned to my gym that just reopened after the lockdown. I paid a three-months membership fee and at that moment I realized that the group exercise, fitness classes that I have always been interested in is not held, only exercise on devices in the gym is available. First, I asked them to suspend my membership for a month until the group exercises started, and then I changed my mind. I run for 30 minutes without any problems on the treadmill, even though I couldn't run even 5 minutes outside. After running, I exercise on other equipment, and the more I do it, the more I like it. I do not know how much this exercise will contribute to the weight loss, but I know for sure that exercise is good for everything, for the body and for the mind. I am the only person in this gym that exercises with a mask on, and some people look at me like that I am weird, but I do not mind. When I have the mask on I feel safer, although the number of people in the gym is quite low for now.

I haven't had a home scale in 6 months. My old one is broken, and I don't want to buy a new one. I tend to obsessively weigh myself every day or several times a day, and I really don’t need that. So I borrow the scales every few weeks from my kind neighbour. I am attaching a photo with the current weight.

I am very proud of my current achievement and I hope I will be able to keep it up until the end of the year.



Sunday, May 5th, 2021

6 kg rijeseno, ostalo 14!

Krajem sijecnja ove godine vaga je pokazala ono sto sam I sama osjecala, a to je da imam previse kilograma, preciznije 80. Odjeca mi je bila uska, posebno traperice, a neke uske suknje velicine 14 (42) vise nisam uspijevala navuci na sebe. I tu mi se nesto prelomilo u meni, ne moze dalje tako. Dali su me trgnule te brojke, sto kilaze a sto konfekcijski broj ili mi je u glavi odzvonilo kad me izmjerio muskarac koji mi se jako svidja, ne znam. Bitno je ipak da sam shvatila da moram ozbiljno poraditi na sebi. Zadala sam si za cilj da do kraja godine smrsavim 20 kg I vratim se na svoju idealnu tezinu od 60 kg. Hocu li u tome ustrajati I hocu li uspjeti jos ne mogu sa sigurnoscu tvrditi, ali za sad se brojke krecu na pravu stranu, a I moje svidjanje same sebe isto je u porastu. U posljednja tri mjeseca izgubila sam 6 kg, sto znaci da gubim pola kilograma tjedno, otprilike.

Kakos am krenula? Pa zapravo nisam slijedila nikakove preporucene dijete, osim sto sam znala da moram jesti manje. Moje uvjerenje jest da svatko mora naci svoj sistem koji ce mu omoguciti da ostvari svoj cilj I da jede manje. Oduvijek sam sumnjala da je preporuka da ako zelis smrsaviti ne smijes nista jesti poslije 6 ili 7 navecer zapravo jedan mit, a to sam sad I dokazala. Ja pocinjem jesti oko 5-6 poslijepodne I ne stajem do 10-11 navecer. Gubim na kilazi tako sto u konacnici ipak jedem manje, ali isto tako pazim I sto jedem. Lako preskocim dorucak, sve lakse preskocim I rucak, ali vecera mi je bitna I od nje ne odustajem. Za veceru jedem raznoliko, razno meso, ribu, plodove mora, sireve, jaja, povrce svih oblika I nacina pripreme, od svjezeg do kuhanog I pecenog. Izbjegavam kruh, tjesteninu, rizu, krumpir I kolace. Nemogu se u potpunosti odreci slatkog pa gotovo svaki dan poslije vecere jedem tamnu cokoladu. Nakon vecere uz TV grickam pistacio, I razno voce.

Kako prozivim prijepodne bez dorucka? Lako. Popijem kapucino. Za rucak ponovim isto. Jutarnji kapucino popijem u jednom restorancicu u blizini posla. Kapucino za rucak kupim u prefinoj francuskoj pekari. Prilazem fotografiju njihovih kolace, koje svaki dan dobro odmjerim, ali se niti na trenutak ne pokolebam da kupim jedan uz kapucino. Pomirila sam se da to trenutno nije moja hrana I idem dalje.

Pred nekoliko tjedana otvorila se teretana u koju sam ranije isla. Uplatila sam tromjesecnu clanarinu I u tom trenutku shvatila da se grupno vjezbanje koje me oduvijek jedino zanimalo ne odrzava, samo je dostupno vjezbanje na spravama. Najprije sam rekla da mi suspendiraju clanarinu na mjesec dana, dok ne krenu grupne vjezbe, a onda sam se predomislila I krenula na sprave. Otrcim 30 minuta bez problema na pokretnoj traci, a vani nebi mogla niti 5. Poslije trcanja vjezbam na ostalim spravama I sto to vise radim, sve mi se vise svidja. Koliko ce to vjezbanje pridonijeti gubitku kilaze neznam, ali sasvim sigurno znam da je vjezbanje dobro za sve, za tijelo I za psihu. Ja sam jedina osoba u mojoj teretani koja vjezba sa maskom I cini mi se da me gledaju kao da sam malo cudna, ali nista me to ne smeta. Sa maskom se osjecam sigurnije, iako je broj ljudi u teretani jos relativno malen.

Vec jedno 6 mjeseci nemam kucnu vagu. Stara mi se potrgala, a novu ne zelim kupiti. Imam tendenciju da se opsesivno vazem svaki dan ili nekoliko puta u danu, a to mi zbilja ne treba. Zato vagu svakih nekoliko tjedana posudim od susjede. Prilazem fotografiju sa trenutnom tezinom.

Jako sam ponosna sto sam uspjela izgubiti na tezini pa sam, sa ciljem da nastavim tako I dalje, to zeljela sa vama podijeliti.

S ljubavlju,


Nedelja, 9. svibnja 2021.

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