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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

With joy we welcomed 2024/S radošću dočekana 2024.

My daughter and I welcomed this New Year 2024 in the wonderful Zrinjevac park in Zagreb. We arrived in the city centre by tram and got off at the King Tomislav square. An ice-skating rink was set up on that beautiful square as part of Zagreb's Advent. When we arrived at the square, people were still skating, but we heard that the rink was about to close, around 9:30 p.m. So, we walked further to Strossmayer square, where a concert of some unknown Dalmatian group was expected. The concert hadn't started yet, and the DJ was blaring music. We headed to the Ban Jelačić Main City Square, where the rock group Let3, which became famous for representing Croatia at Eurovision last year, was expected. It is not the music that I was looking forward to, so I was surprised that Zagreb’s main city square was packed with people who were waiting for their concert. I really wanted to drink a coffee, so we headed towards Tkalčićeva Street, which is full of restaurants and cafes. We found a nice and warm cafe where we had a wonderful time. We were so comfortable that we stayed at our table in the corner for almost an hour.

We arrived at the Ban Jelačić Square at around 11 pm and the Let3 concert was already underway. We had hot dogs at one of the stands, listened to the concert for a bit and headed towards Zrinjevac. We liked the music there and, unlike the main square, it wasn't too crowded. There we welcomed the year 2024 with dancing and fireworks. We sang and danced for a while and slowly headed home. The welcome was wonderful, and my Sara and I enjoyed the new year atmosphere.

We spent the morning of January 1st listening to the New Year's concert of classical music from Vienna. The year has started beautifully, so may the whole year remain as good and beautiful as its beginning.

Happy New Year 2024!



Monday, January 1st, 2024

S radošću dočekana 2024.


Ovu Novu Godinu 2024. smo moja kćer I ja dočekale u predivnom zagrebačkom parku Zrinjevcu. U sami centar stigle smo tramvajem i izašle smo na Trgu kralja Tomislava. Na tom je lijepom trgu postavljeno klizalište kao dio zagrebačkog Adventa. Kad smo stigle na Trg ljudi su još klizali, ali čule smo da se klizalište skoro zatvaralo i to negdje oko 21.30. Zato smo se prošetale dalje do Strossmayerovog trga na kojem se očekivao koncert neke, nama nepoznate dalmatinske grupe. Koncert još nije počeo i treštala je muzika uz DJ-a. Uputile smo se do Glavnog Trga Bana Jelačića na kojem se očekivao koncert rock grupe Let3 koja se proslavila po tome što je Hrvatsku prošle godine predstavljla na Euroviziji. Nije to muzika kojoj sam se ja radovala pa me iznenadio prepun Trg ljudi koji su isčekivali njihov koncert. Ja sam silno željela popiti jednu kavu pa smo se uputile prema Tkalčićevoj ulici koja je prepuna restorana i kafića. Našle smo jedan lijep i topao kafic u koje nam je bilo divno. Toliko smo se tamo ugodno osjećale da smo ostale za našem stolom u uglu gotovo sat vremena.

Na Trg Bana Jelačića smo stigle oko 23 sata i koncert grupe Let3 je već bio u trajanju. Uzele smo hrenovke na jednom od štandova, malo poslušale koncert i krenule prema Zrinjevcu. Tamo je bila nama draga muzika i za razliku od glavnog Trga nije bilo prevelika gužva. Tamo smo uz ples I vatromet dočekale 2024. godinu. Još smo neko vrijeme pjevale i plesale i polako se uputile kući. Doček je bio divan i moja Sara i ja smo uživale u novogodišnjoj atmosferi.

Jutro 1. Siječnja smo provele u slušanju novogodišnjeg koncerta klasične glazbe iz Beča. Godina je krasno počela pa neka nam svima čitava godina ostane dobra i lijepa kao njezin početak.  


Sretna vam svima Nova Godina 2024.!



Ponedeljak, 1. siječnja 2024.

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