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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Vaccination against Covid-19

Today I have decided to write about the currently most relevant topic that poses a global challenge: vaccination against Covid-19. I usually write about my personal experiences which are quite specific to me, although still generally relatable. Big topics are a challenge, I'm never sure if my horizons are wide enough for them, but I do think myself fairly educated on vaccines. I am happy and proud to live in the first country that began using a Covid-19 vaccine because I think that any strictly unnecessary delay is a pure waste of time, where human suffering and lives are considered. The Pfizer vaccine has been in use in Britain for a few weeks now and that is super positive news. Less positive is that I feel that the vaccinations are performed too slowly. I like the idea that is just coming from Germany, in which large vaccination centres are opening all over the country. The speed with which most of the population will be vaccinated in a short time is crucial, and for now I do not believe that it is happening fast enough on a large scale in Britain.

What confused me a little bit from the very beginning of the vaccinations were the basic priorities. It started with the globally transmitted news of the vaccination of a woman aged 90, and continued like that, a 98-year-old person was heard being vaccinated and then a 108-year-old woman and so on. And I ask, is age and vulnerability the only criteria by which vaccination will be carried out? What about a bit younger people who are at high risk of infection purely by the nature of their job? There are health workers, regardless of age, who risk their lives to help us every day. In Italy, health workers are at the top of the list of priorities, and that seems to me to be a completely logical choice and a well-arranged priority.

It would be ideal that everyone is vaccinated immediately, but this is not possible. The speed at which vaccinations will be carried out is a key issue. I also do not understand why the Oxford vaccine hasn't been approved yet. Even if the efficiency is slightly lower than Pfizer's it is still better than none. What could be worst than having 400 people dying every day?

Some people don’t want to get vaccinated. I am not surprised by my uneducated cousin from Croatia, who stated that she would not vaccinate herself or her children, although she has a terminally ill husband. Little education and lack of understanding on the subject create irrational fears in people and this is one such example. I am more surprised to hear that some doctors in Zagreb have publicly stated that they will not be vaccinated. They misuse their position and further confuse people, and I think that is unforgivable in a situation like this.

If everything went according to my wishes, it would be that most of the population, including me, are vaccinated before the summer so that I can afford a few weeks of vacation on our beautiful Adriatic. Let's say three weeks. And that is my light at the end of the tunnel.


Monday, December 28th, 2020

Cijepljenje protiv Covid-19

Danas sam odlucila pisati o trenutno najrelevantnijoj temi koja predstavlja globalni izazov: cijepljenju protiv Covid-19. Obicno pisem o svojim osobnim iskustvima koji su mozda uski I maleni, a opet opce razumljivi I prepoznatljivi. Velike teme su izazov, ali nikada nisam sigurna jesu li moji horizonti dovoljno siroki za njih, ali po pitanju teme cijepljenja osjecam se educiranom I kompetentnom.

Sretna sam I ponosna sto zivim u zemlji koja je prva odobrila cijepivo jer mislim da je svako strogo neophodno odugovlacenje cisti gubitak vremena, a u ovoj situaciji I ljudskih patnji I zivota. Pfizerovo cjepivo je u Britaniji u upotrebi vec nekoliko tjedana I to je super pozitivna vijest. Manje je pozitivno to da imam osjecaj da se cijepljenja obavljaju presporo. Svidja mi se ideja koja upravo dolazi iz Njemacke, a u kojoj se sirom zemlje otvaraju veliki centri za cijepljenja. Brzina kojom ce se u kratkom vremenu pocijepiti sto veci dio populacije je kljucna, a za sad nemam osjecaj da se u Britaniji odvija dovoljno brzo I na velikoj skali.

Ono sto me isto malo zbunjuje od samog pocetka cijepljenja malo su prioriteti. Pocelo je sa globalno prenosenom vijesti o cijeplenju zene u dobi od 90, ali tako se I nastavilo, cuje se cijepila se osoba od 98 godina pa onda I ona od 108. I pitam se zar je dob I ranjivost jedini kriteriji po kojem ce cijepljenje biti provodjeno? Sto je sa nesto mladjim osobama koje su izlozene velikom riziku za infekciju cisto po prirodi svog posla? Tu su svi zdrastveni radnici, bez obzira na dob, koji riskiraju svoje zivote da bi nama pomogli. U Italiji su zdrastveni radnici na vrhu liste prioriteta I to mi se cini kao potpuno logican izbor I kao dobro poslozeni prioriteti.

Bilo bi idealno da se svi mogu cijepiti odmah, ali to nije moguce. Brzina kojom ce se cijepljenja obavljati jeste kljucani problem. Isto ne razumijem zasto Oxfordsko cijepivo jos nije odobreno? Cak I ako je efikasnost nesto niza od Pfizerovog jos uvijek je bolje od nikakvog.

Neki se ljudi ne zele cijepiti. Ne cudim se ja mojoj neobrazovanoj sestricni iz Hrvatske koja je izjavila da se nece cijepiti, ni sebe niti djecu, a ima terminalno bolesnog muza. Neobrazovanost I nerazumijevanje stvara iracionalne strahove kod ljudi I to je jedan takav primjer. Cudim se kad cujem da su neki doktori u Zagrebu javno izjavili da se nece cijepiti. Oni zloupotrebljavaju svoj polozaj I dodatno zbunjuju ljude I smatram da je to u ovakovoj situaciji neoprostivo.

Ako sve bude prema mojim zeljama moglo bi biti da ce vecina populacije, ukljucujuci I moju malenkost biti cijepljena prije ljeta tako da si mogu priustiti nekoliko tjedana odmora na nasem Jadranu. Recimo tri tjedna. I to je moje svjetlo na kraju tunela.


Ponedeljak, 28. prosinca 2020.

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