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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

My Croatia has learned what it means to be shaken

In the year that everyone will remember for the pandemic that devastated the world, my Croatia is facing another disaster, earthquakes. Two medium-strength earthquakes occurred in March and now in December with the epicentre near the capital Zagreb. As I write this, Croatia is still shaking. The silent killer pandemic is accompanied by a dreadful and loud horror of an earthquake that did not kill a large number of people, but destroys and brings fear and horror into the lives of many people. Such earthquakes have not been recorded on Croatian soil since 1880.

All my family members and friends are physically well, but they are deeply traumatized. They say the feeling while shaking is indescribable. And when the shaking finally stopped, your nerves are so depleted that you start shaking at the sound of the door opening from the next apartment. My friend Ana says she is afraid to take a shower so she would not end up buried naked. I even laughed at that, but that sentence plainly depicts the core of the terrible state in which Croatia is facing the very end of 2020. I recently learned that my dear Milena, the mother of my long-time friend, died a month ago. She never recovered from the March earthquake. Unfortunately, Milena lived on the 16th floor of a skyscraper.

I worry and fear for my brother, his children, all my dear friends and the wider family. I am happy that despite all the hardships that have befallen him, my brother remains a strong, positive and bright person, and I have often said to him in the last few days, "Brother, you are my solid rock."

And as we live through the last hours of 2020, which will be remembered for its darkness and deaths, I wish and hope that my Croatia will stop shaking and that earthquakes will remain recorded in the year that is just slipping away.



Thursday, December 31st, 2020

Moja je Hrvataska naucila sto znaci tresti se

U godini koju ce svijet pamtiti po pandemiji koja je poharala svijet moja se Hrvatska suocava sa jos jednom posasti, potresom. Dva potresa srednje jakosti dogodili su se u ozujku I sad u prosincu sa epicentrom u blizini glavnog grada Zagreba. Dok ovo pisem Hrvatska se jos uvijek trese. Tihog ubojicu pandemiju prati razarajuci I glasni uzas potresa koji nije ubio veliki broj ljudi, ali razara I unosi strahove I uzas u zivote mnogih ljudi. Takovi potresi nisu zabiljezeni na tlu Hrvatske od 1880 godine.

Svi su moji prijatelji fizicki dobro, ali su duboko istraumatizirani. Kazu osjecaj dok trese je neopisiv. I kad prestane zivci su toliko istjunani da se trazas na zvuk otvaranja vrata is susjednog stana. Moja prijateljica Ana kaze boji se tusirati da ju ne zatrpa golu. Tome sam se cak nasmijala, ali ta recenica slikovito predocuje srz strasnog stanja u kojoj Hrvatska docekuje kraj 2020.

Nedavno sam saznala da je pred mjesec dana umrla moja draga teta Milena, mama moje dugogodisnje prijateljice. Nikada se nije oporavila od potresa iz ozujka. Nazalost Milena je zivjela na 16. katu jednog nebodera.

Bojim se I strahujem za svog brata, njegovu djecu, sve svoje drage prijatelje I siru obitelj. Sretna sam u jednom, usprkos svim nedacama koje su ga zadesile moj braco ostaje snazna, pozitivna I svijetla osoba I ja mu u posljednjih par dana cesto govorim “Braco, ti si moja cvrsta stijena”.

I dok prozivljavamo zadnje sate 2020 koja ce ostati zapamcena po crnilu, mraku I smrtima zelim I nadam se da ce se moja Hrvatska prestati tresti I da ce potresi ostati zabiljezeni u godini koja upravo izmice.

Volim Vas


Cetvrtak, 31. prosinca 2020.

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