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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Mid-January departures/Srednjo-siječanjski odlasci

It is the middle of January, the weather is cold and gloomy, and our children, who are no longer children, are returning to their student duties. That's how my Sara travelled today, she returned to the city where she studies her master's degree. It wasn't easy for me, since last night I started to feel that I miss her, and she hadn't even left yet.

"Mum, I'll be back at the beginning of March for a couple of days, for my friend’s bachelorette party."

She was looking for words to comfort me. Namely, Sara will be a bridesmaid at the wedding of a friend she has known since kindergarten.

"Sara, are there bridesmaids only for the bride, or do they also have them for the groom?" English weddings differ from Croatian ones, and I haven't really been to English weddings.

"They also have groomsmen. There will be three of them, like the three of us for the bride."

"And who will be the groomsmen?" That suddenly seemed important to me.

"His American friends," because the groom is an American soldier.

"Oh, don't get a crush on any of them. Americans are out of the question, as are Australians, New Zealanders, and so on." I immediately expressed my fears that Sara's life would take her to another continent, far away from me. A city four hours away by car is about the distance I can handle for now. Sara just laughed.

Considering that I expected that it would be difficult for me when Sara left, I arranged to meet my Ukrainian friend, Yuliya, in the city right after. Yuliya's war in Ukraine indirectly brought her mother and fifteen-year-old nephew to Cambridge. Her responsibilities have multiplied, but despite all that, she regularly finds time for me.

Yuliya helped me to make the first day of Sara's departure painless. Work and responsibilities start tomorrow, so it will be easier.

I send warm greetings to all the parents who accompanied their grown-up children to their places of study these past few days.


Sunday, January 15th, 2023

Srednjo-siječanjski odlasci

Sredina je siječnja, vrijeme hladno, tmurno, a naša djeca koja nisu više djeca, se vraćaju svojim studentskim obavezama. Tako je danas otputovala i moja Sara, vratila se u grad u kojem studira svoj magistarski studij. Nije mi bilo lako, već sam od sinoć počela osjećati da mi nedostaje, a nije još ni otputovala.

“Mama, doći ću nazad već početkom ožujka na par dana, za djevojačku večer.”

Naime Sara će biti djeveruša na vjenčanju svoje prijateljice koju zna još od vrtićkih dana.

“Sara, a jesu djeveruše samo za mladenku ili ima i za mladoženju ekvivalent?” Engleska su vjenčanja drugačija od hrvatskih, a ja nisam baš nešto išla po engleskim vjenčanjima.

“Imaju i za mladoženju, nešto kao kumovi. Bit ce ih trojca, kao i nas tri za mladenku.”

“A tko ce biti mladoženjini kumovi?” To mi je odjednom učinilo bitno.

“Njegovi prijatelji, Amerikanci.” Naime, mladoženja je Američki vojnik .

“Joj, nemoj samo da ti se svidi neki od njih, Amerikanci ne dolaze u obzir, isto kao Australci, Novozelanđani i tako to.” Odmah sam iznijela svoje strahove da mi Saru život ne odvede na drugi kontinent. Grad udaljen četiri sata vožnje autom je otprilike udaljenost sa kojom se za sad mogu nositi. Sara se samo osmjehnula.

Obzirom da sam očekivala da ce mi biti teško kad Sara ode, dogovorila sam se da odmah poslije sretnem svoju prijateljicu, Ukrajinku Yuliyu u gradu. Yuliyi je rat u Ukrajini indirektno doveo mamu i petnaestogodišnjeg nećaka u Cambridge. Obaveze su joj se multiplicirale, ali uz sve to ona redovito nađe vremena za mene.

Yuliya mi je pomogla da mi prvi dan Sarinog odlaska prođe bezbolno. Sutra kreće posao i obaveze pa će već biti lakše.

Svim roditeljima koji su ovih dana otpratili svoju već odraslu djecu na studije šaljem tople pozdrave.


Nedelja, 15. siječnja 2023.

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