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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

I am changing my diet

Three days ago, I saw my Doc for the first time since July last year. I had a swollen ankle and after a short phone call he called me to the surgery for an examination. It was a magical moment for me, not only because I constantly miss him, but also because he once again showed to be a caring doctor that really cares about my wellbeing. With his tenderness and compassion, he reminded me once again that there was a reason I loved him so much. At the very beginning, I got a little nervous with unbuckling the belt on my winter jacket from the great excitement of seeing him, but every moment with him was beautiful. When he examined my swollen ankle, which had been very painful, the touch of his fingers stopped me feeling pain. I've noticed before that whenever he touches me, suddenly nothing hurts.

He decided to weigh me and the numbers were crushing to me. I have gained quite a few pounds and now I have decided to make a drastic change in my diet. Staying at home gave me the pleasure of baking cakes and cookies, as well as cooking my favourite dishes, various types of risottos, pastas, breaded and roasted meat with side dishes.

Now I have decided to change that. Unless I hear different advice from my Doc I am eliminating cakes that I now bake only for others, I also completely abolished bread and croissants from my favourite cafes, while I reduce pasta, rice and potatoes to a minimum. The pictures show cakes that I have given up as well as some of my very recent dishes in which I focus on vegetables, meat, cottage cheese and eggs. I have no intention of weighing myself until I am again in a situation where my Doc will weigh me out, and until then a change for the better must be shown.

I have one mental image that is so beautiful that it motivated my change of diet. I imagine sitting in my Doc’s lap, and in that situation I don’t want to be a fat woman. Please do not say this may never happen. I can always dream about it, while the pounds hopefully melt away.



Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Mijenjam svoju prehranu

Pred tri dana vidjela sam svog doktora prvi puta nakon srpnja prosle godine. Imala sam nateceni zglob I nakon kratkog telefonskog razgovora pozvao me u ambulantu na pregled. Bio je to za mene magicni susret, ne samo zato sto mi konstatno nedostaje, nego I stoga sto je on je jos jednom pokazao koliko je brizan doktor kojem je itekako stalo da budem dobro. Sa svojom me njeznosti I briznosti jos jednom podsjetio kako ima razloga sto ga toliko volim. Na samom pocetku malo sam se spetljala sa otkopcavanjem pojasa na svojoj zimskoj jakni, od silnog uzbudjenja sto ga vidim, ali svaki trenutak uz njega je bio predivan. Kad mi je pregledavao nateceni zglob koji je jos do maloprije itekako bio bolan, od dodira njegovih prstiju prestao je boljeti. Vec sam prije primjetila da cim me on dotakne u tom me trenu vise nista ne boli.

Dok me odlucio izvagati I izmjerena je brojka bila porazna za mene. Nakupila sam podosta kilograma I sad sam se odlucila na drasticnu promjenu u svojoj prehrani. Boravak kod kuce pruzio mi je uzitak pecenja kolaca I keksica, kao I kuhanje mojih omiljenih jela, raznih vrsta rizota, pasti, pohanog I pecenog mesa sa prilozima. I sad se odlucujem na promjenu. Ukoliko ne dobijem drugaciji savjet od Doka, ukidam kolace koje od sada pecem samo za druge, kruh I kroosane iz mojih omiljenih kafica isto skroz ukidam dok pastu, rizu I krumpir svodim na minimum. Na slikama su kolaci kojih se odricem kao I neki od mojih novijih jela u kojima se orjentiram na povrce, meso, svjezi sir I jaja. Nemam se namjeru vagati sve dok ponovo ne budem u situaciji da me Dok izvaze, a do tada se mora pokazati promjena na bolje pa barem nekoliko kg.

Imam jednu mentalnu sliku koja je toliko lijepa I ugodna da mi pomaze u promjeni prehrane. Zamisljam da sjedim u krilu mom Doku, a u toj situaciji ne zelim biti debela zena. Molim vas nemojte reci da se to nikada nece dogoditi. Uvijek mogu sanjati o tome, dok ce se kilogrami nadam se istopiti.

S ljubavlju


Nedelja, 31.sijecnja 2021.

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