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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Happy Easter!/Sretan Uskrs!

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

In Croatia, there is a custom to cook and paint eggs for Easter, which then serve as decoration, but are also eaten for Easter breakfast. Easter egg colouring paints can be purchased at any grocery store, but in the past, eggs were painted with natural colours and I remember well that my grandmother did this very artistically. This year, for the first time I decided to task myself in colouring eggs with natural colours. In order to obtain drawings on coloured eggs, a plant, such as clover or parsley, is placed on the egg, then wrapped in a transparent sock and cooked in the presence of various plants and dyes. My Sara and I tried this technique last night with different plants and not all of them turned out to be successful. The eggs we cooked with the onion peel turned out light brown and the outlines of the plants were very clearly visible on them, so these were successful. The eggs we cooked in the orange peel surprisingly turned-out grey, which we think was due to the mango tea we added, but they were still beautiful, and the coffee-stained eggs were a different shade of brown. What did not turn out successfully were attempts to dye eggs in beet root, parsley or carrots.

I did a little research through my friends and got the information that Easter eggs are painted in countries all over the European continent. Quite reliably this custom exists in Romania, Germany, and Switzerland while it does not exist in Ireland, the same as in England. In England there is a custom of colouring eggs but not to cook and eat them as well.

In England, Easter eggs are mostly present in the form of chocolate eggs that can be bought in stores in all possible forms. The custom of hiding them somewhere in the garden and being discovered by children is very popular. Once when Sara was still young, we travelled for the Easter holidays to Devon province. Sara then had what is called "Egg Hunting" in a castle and it was a wonderful experience for her, but also for her parents.

With this brief analysis of Easter egg customs, I wish all my dear friends a merry and happy Easter.



Sunday, April 4th, 2021

Sretan Uskrs!

U Hrvatskoj postoji obicaj da se za Uskrs kuhaju I boje jaja koja onda sluze kao ukras, ali se I jedu za Uskrsnji dorucak. Boje za bojenje uskrsnjih jaja se mogu kupiti u svakoj trgovini hranom. Nekada u proslosti jaja su se bojala prirodnim bojama I dobro se sjecam da je to vrlo umjetnicki radila I moja baka. Obzirom da taj obicaj bojenja jaja ne postoji u Engleskoj, te se ta vrsta boja nemoze kupiti, ja sam se po prvi puta odlucila okusati u bojenju jaja prirodnim bojama. U svrhu dobijanja crteza na obojenim jajima na jaje se stavi biljka, kao sto su djetelina ili persun, potom se zamotaju u prozirnu carapu I kuhaju u prisustvu razlicitih biljaka I obojivaca. Moja Sara I ja smo proslo vecer isprobale tu tehniku uz razlicite biljke I nisu sve ispale uspjesne. Jaja koja smo kuhale uz kore luka ispala su svijetlo smedja I na njima se vrlo jasno vide obrisi biljaka pa je to bilo uspjesno. Jaja koja smo kuhali u korama narandze su iznenadjujuce ispala siva, ali jos uvijek lijepa, a bojane kavom je dalo jednu drugu nijensu smedje boje. Ono sto nije ispalo uspjesno su bili pokusaji bojenja jaja u cikli, persunu I mrkvi.

Napravila sam malo istrazivanje kroz svoje prijatelje I dobila informacije da se uskrsnja jaja boje u zemljama sirom Evropskog kontinenta. Sasvim pouzdano taj obicaj postoji u Rumunjskoj, Njemackoj, Svicarskoj dok ne postoji u Engleskoj, ali niti u Irskoj. Nisam stigla provjeriti kakav je slucaj u Australiji I Americi.

U Engleskoj su Uskrsnja jaja prisutna u obliku cokoladnih jaja koja se u svim mogucim oblicima mogu kupiti u trgovinama. Obicaj da se sakriju negdje u vrtu I da ih djeca otkrivaju je vrlo popularan. Jednom smo dok je Sara bila jos mala putovali za Uskrsnje praznike u pokrajinu Devon. Sara je tada imala to sto se zove “Lov na jaja” u jednom dvorcu I to je za nju, ali I za njezine roditelje bio predivan dozivljaj.

Uz ovu kratku analizu obicaja vezanih uz uskrsnja jaja zelim svim svojim dragim prijateljima veseo I sretan Uskrs.

S ljubavlju


Nedelja, 4. travnja 2021.

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