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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Happy 50th!

Today my little brother is celebrating his 50th birthday. Of course, it is difficult in this situation to be talking about a real celebration, but for good wishes there is always a way.

Where have all those years gone and how is it that life flows so fast that it catches us by surprise in some years. There is still a big child in my brother's soul, as is the case with all positive, bright, optimistic people who do not allow their years to overwhelm them and turn them into grumpy old people. Neither mine nor my brother's life was pampered and when it could have been easier and better, sometimes we just weren't lucky. However, we remained happy people full of love for our loved ones and still full of dreams and hopes for a better and more beautiful tomorrow. Someone wise said:

“Life is not about how many times you fall down. It's about how many times you get back up”.

I am sending my little brothers a congratulatory message for his 50th birthday, I wish him at least as many more years as he has already lived to live in happiness and joy with his loved ones.

I am enclosing a video recorded on New Year’s Eve 2019 that my brother, my daughter and I spent together. May there be many more like them!



Friday, January 22nd, 2021

Sretna 50ta!!!

Danas moj mali braco slavi 50. Rodjendan. Naravno tesko je u situaciji u kojoj jesmo govoriti o istinskom slavlju, no za dobre zelje uvijek se nadje nacin.

Gdje su samo sve te godine prosle I kako to da zivot protice tolikom brzinom da nas zatekne tako nekim godinama koje jesu nase, ali kao I da nisu? U dusi mog brata jos ima veliko dijete kao sto je slucaj sa svim pozitivnim, svijetlim, optimisticnim ljudima koji ne dozvoljavaju da ih godine pregaze I pretvore u mrgodne postarije ljude. Ni mene ni mog brata zivot nije mazio I tamo gdje je moglo biti lakse I bolje neki put jednostavno nismo imali srece. Ipak ostali smo veseli ljudi puni ljubavi za svoje bliznje I jos uvijek puni snova I nade za bolje I ljepse sutra. Netko mudar je rekao:

“Nije bitno koliko puta padneš, nego koliko puta ustaneš”

Mom malom braci ovim putem saljem cestitku za njegov 50. Rodjendan, zelim mu barem jos toliko godina da prozivi u sreci I veselju uz svoje voljene.

Prilazem video koji je snimljen na doceku Nove Godine 2020 koji smo moj brat, moja kcer I ja proveli zajedno. Nek ih bude jos puno takovih!

S ljubavlju


Petak, 22. Sijecnja 2021

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