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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Friends count/Prijatelji se računaju

While in one of the previous articles I wrote about soulmates primarily thinking of a love relationship, here I will refer to soulmates that I have found in friendships. Some of you brought this kind of soulmate to my attention after reading the previous article. And while I haven't been very lucky in love because my soulmate is still mostly connected to the world of desires and imagination rather than reality, friendships are very real to me.

For example, there is my friend Kevin, with whom I have shared a friendship at work for twelve years. He is a closed and reserved Irishman whom I came to many years ago and said I needed a friend. Kevin took it seriously and slowly, step by step, we built a steady and lasting friendship that withstands and survives all our ups and downs. A friend from the same group once told me that she couldn't believe that I was friends with Kevin because he was so reserved that they only spoke a few sentences in a couple of years. I am all the happier that he opened his doors of friendship so generously for me. It is interesting that Kevin is almost ten years younger than me, and his stage in life is very different from my own as he is now the father of two still small children. These differences in age and life paths do not hinder our friendship and understanding on a truly deep level. Although I hang out with Kevin only at work, there is almost no topic that I can't touch on with him, and I often say that I can tell Kevin anything, without holding back or thinking.

Besides Kevin, I also have my Asha at work. We have been working in the same group for almost ten years and over time we have acquired some of the same habits. So, one morning we appeared at work in the same dresses, only she chose green, and I chose pink. When we saw each other, we burst out laughing. Asha is originally from Mauritius and always brings me a nice gift from her trips there. She brought me a dress this summer, so don't be surprised by this little fashion show from the attached photos.



Wednesday, August 24th, 2022

Prijatelji se računaju

Dok sam u jednom od prethodnih članaka pisala o srodnim dušama prvenstveno misleći na ljubavni odnos, ovdje ću se osvrnuti na srodne duše koje sam našla u prijateljstvima. Neki od vas ste mi skrenuli pažnju na tu vrstu srodnosti u dušama nakon što ste pročitali prethodni članak. I dok u ljubavi nisam imala puno sreće jer je moja srodna duša uglavnom i danas više vezana uz sveru želja i mašte nego stvarnosti, prijateljstva su mi itekako stvarna.

Na primjer tu je moj prijatelj Kevin sa kojim vec dvanaest godina dijelim prijateljstvo na poslu. Radi se o jednom zatvorenom i rezerviranom Ircu kojem sam pred puno godina došla i rekla da mi treba prijatelj. Kevin je to shvatio ozbiljno i polako, korak po korak, izgradili smo jedno postojano i trajno prijateljstvo koje odolijeva i preživljava sve naše uspone i padove. Jedna prijateljica iz iste grupe mi je jednom prilikom rekla da ne može vjerovati da sam sa Kevinom prijatelj jer je toliko rezerviran da su progovorili svega nekoliko rečenica u par godina. Tim više sam sretna što je tako raskošno otvorio svoja vrata prijateljstva za mene. Zanimljivo je da je Kevin gotovo deset godina mlađi od mene, a i životni mu je put drugačiji pa je sada otac dvoje još male djece. Te razlike u dobi i životnim putevima ne smetaju našem prijateljstvu i razumijevanju na jednoj istinski dubokoj razini. Iako se sa Kevinom družim samo na poslu gotovo da nema teme koju sa njim ne mogu dotaknuti i često kažem da Kevinu mogu reći sve, bez zadrške ili promišljanja.

Osim Kevina na poslu imam i moju Ashu. Mi radimo u istoj grupi već gotovo deset godina i sa vremenom poprimile smo neke iste navike. Tako smo jedno jutro osvanule na poslu u istim haljinama iz Manga, samo je ona odabrala zelenu, a ja rozu boju. Kad smo se ugledale prasnule smo u smijeh. Asha je porijeklom sa Mauricijusa i sa svojih mi putovanja tamo uvijek donese neki lijepi poklon. Ovo ljeto mi je donijela haljinu pa nek vas ne čudi ova mala modna revija sa fotografija u prilogu.

S ljubavlju,


Srijeda, 24. kolovoza 2022.

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