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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

Finally, the hand of the international court shook/Konačno je zamahnula ruka međunarodnog suda

For months now, the world has been watching the Israeli retaliation in Gaza. Hamas killed 1,139 people, mostly Israelis, in October 2023, and Israel's response has been the deaths of 35,000 Palestinians since then in the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Therefore, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Karim Khan asked the court to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant along with Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri and Ismail Haniyeh. Karim Khan accuses the mentioned leaders of war crimes and crimes against humanity. If the court issues the arrest warrants, they will not be allowed to travel to 124 countries, including the whole of Europe, due to international law. The US and Israel do not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and US President Joe Biden points out that there is no equality in the crimes between the leaders of Hamas and the Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of Defence.

Israel's abuse of Palestinians in Gaza has been followed and watched by the world for months. Protests all over the world say "no" to the Israeli genocide and demand an end to Israel's attack on Gaza. Until a few days ago, there was no major progress despite the accusations of Israel's apparent genocide coming from a large part of the world. The International Court finally made a move and with its announcement of the arrest warrants showed that crimes against humanity cannot be committed with impunity or be selective in the 21st century. I hope it will also be a wake-up call to the Israeli people who support Prime Minister Netanyahu.

I personally deeply condemn the Israeli retaliation and weep over the tragic fate of the Palestinian people in Gaza. Innocent civilians are being killed, starved and abused. In war, not everything is allowed, and it is time for the world to decisively say "We will judge you". It is heartening to see that so many countries are determined to condemn the genocide. We will continue to keep our eyes wide open.



Saturday, May 25th, 2024

Konačno je zamahnula ruka međunarodnog suda


Već mjesecima svijet gleda izralelsku odmazdu u Gazi. Hamas je ubio 1139 ljudi, pretežno Izraelaca u listopadu 2023, a Izraelski odgovor je genocid nad palestinskim narodom u Gazi i smrt preko 35000 Palestinaca od tada do danas. Stoga je glavni tužitelj Međunarodnog kriminalnog suda u Haagu, Karim Khan zatražio sud da izda nalog za uhićenje Izraelskog premijera  Banjamina Netanyahua i izraelskog ministra obrane  Yoava Gallanta zajedno sa vođama Hamasa Yahya Sinwara, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri and Ismail Haniyeha.  Karim Khan optužuje navedene vođe za ratnie zločine i zločina protiv ljudskosti. Ukoliko sud donese odluku o njihovu uhićenju oni neće smjeti putovati u 124 zemlje, uključujući kompletnu Evropu jer bi po ulasku u njih morali po zakonu međunarodnog suda biti uhapšeni. SAD i Izrael ne priznaju jurisdikciju Međunarodnog ratnog suda i američki predsjednik Joe Biden ističe da nema jednakosti u zločinima između Hamasovih vođa I izraelskog premijera i ministra obrane.

Izrealsko zlostavljanje Palestincima u Gazi svijet prati i gleda mjesecima. Prosvjedi u čitavom svijetu govore “ne” Izrelskom genocidu  i traže prestanak napada Izraela na Gazu. Do prije nekoliko dana nije bilo velikog pomaka usprkos optužbi Izraela za očiti genocid koje stižu iz velikog dijela svijeta. Međunarodni je sud je konačno napravio pomak i sa svojom najavom naloga za uhićenje pokazao da se zločini protiv ljudskosti ne mogu u 21. stoljeću činiti nekažnjeno ili biti selektirani. Nadam se da će to biti i poziv na buđenje Izraelskom narodu koji poduprire premijera Netanyahua.

Ja osobno duboko osuđujem izraelsku odmazdu i plačem nad tragičnom sudbinom Palestinskog naroda u Gazi. Nedužni civili su ubijani, mučeni glađu i zlostavljani. Dakle u ratu ipak nije sve dozvoljeno i vrijeme je da svijet odlučno kaže “Mi ćemo vam suditi”. Ohrabrujuće je vidjeti da je toliko veliki broj zemalja odlučan u nastojanju da osudi genocid. Držati ćemo i nadalje oči širom otvorene.



Subota, 25. svibnja 1024.

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