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"Christ is born"

Writer's picture: Kristina LangKristina Lang

In memory of my grandmother

I already wrote in one of the earlier posts here on this blog that I was raised in an atheist family. However, my parents came from more or less religious families, my father from Catholic and my mother from Orthodox. My mother's mother, my grandmother Milka, was along with my parents and brother, the central person in my life throughout my youth. When I add up all my life and everything that was not only important, but also beautiful, my grandmother Milka is in the lead.

In my grandmother's house I was always a princess. She cuddled me, took care of me, satisfied all my desires and by her warm heart I spent the most wonderful moments of my childhood. Grandma was an excellent cook, even often invited to be the chef of the kitchen in hotels when cooking for weddings. My brother and I had her all to ourselves during the school holidays that we spent most often with her, where she fulfilled our culinary and other wishes. During the summer I spent my days playing with the children from the village and reading, and then in the winter I was mostly reading. Many world classics passed through my grandmother's house, from Balzac and Zola, through Tolstoy and Dostoevsky to the sisters Bronte and Shakespeare.

At my grandmother's home, I often came for lunch or dinner on her Christmas, how we called the orthodox Christmas, which was usually about 10 days after the Catholic one of the 25th. Grandma always prepared a wonderful dish with my favourite soups and cakes. And those memories of her Christmas’s are warm, full of grandmother's love and attention.

With the memory of my grandmother, I wish to all my dear friends of the Orthodox faith and the small family on my mother's side, my cousin Nikola and his family, a Merry Christmas with the usual saying in such occasions

"Christ is born".



Thursday, January 7th, 2021

“Hristos se rodi”

U sjecanje na moju baku

Vec sam u jednom od ranijih postavki ovdje na blogu napisala da sam odgojena u obitelji ateista. Medjutim,moji su roditelji potekli iz vise ili manje religioznih obitelji I to tata iz katolicke a mama iz pravoslavne. Mamina mama, moja baka Milka bila je uz moje roditelje I brata centralna osoba u mom zivotu, tokom citavog odrastanja I mladosti. Kad zbrojim sav svoj zivot I sve sto je bilo ne samo bitno, nego I lijepo tu je na vodecem mjestu moja baka Milka.

U kuci svoje bake ja sam uvijek bila princeza. Ona me mazila, pazila, udovoljavala svim mojim zeljama I uz njezino toplo ognjiste provela sam najdivnije trenutke svog djetinjstva. Baka je bila vrsna kuharica, cesto pozivana za sefa kuhinje cak I u hotelima kad se kuhalo za vjencanja. Brat I ja smo ju imali samo za sebe tokom skolskih praznika koje smo najcesce provodili kod nje, udovoljavala je nasim kulinarskim I drugim zeljama. Tokom ljeta dane sam provodila u igri sa djecom iz sela I citanju, a zimi uglavnom u citanju. Kroz bakinu su kucu prosli mnogi svjetski klasici od Balsaca, Zole, preko Tolstoja I Dostojevskog do sestara Bronte I Shakespeare.

U domu svoje bake cesto sam dolazila na rucak ili veceru na njezin Bozic, kako smo zvali pravoslavni Bozic, koji je obicno bio 10tak dana nakon katolickog. Baka je uvijek pripremila divno jelo sa mojim omiljenim juhama I kolacima. I ta su sjecnja na njezin Bozic topla, prepuna bakine ljubavi I paznje.

Uz sjecanje na svoju baku, svim svojim dragim prijeteljima pravoslavne vjeroispovjesti I nazalost malobrojnoj obitelji sa mamine strane, mom rodjaku Nikoli I njegovoj obitelji, cestitam Bozic uz uobicajeno “Hristos se rodi”.

S ljubavlju


Cetvrtak, 7. Sijecnja 2021.

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