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Writer's pictureKristina Lang

All the Palestinian girls in Gaza are Anne Frank/Sve su Palestinske djevojčice u Gazi Ana Frank

A lot of awful things are happening in the world these days. In Europe, for the third year, a raging war in which occupying Russia is trying to conquer Ukraine. Russian President Putin imagined that he would win the war in the blink of an eye, and now, more than two years later, he cannot afford to admit defeat. He sends young Russian soldiers to their deaths just to achieve goals that seem almost personal. Ukrainian President Zelinskyy believes that the war in Ukraine could escalate into World War 3 if the war is not contained with the help of Ukraine's Western allies.

An unprecedented saga is unfolding in America. Accused former President Donald Trump may be running a presidential campaign from prison for the US presidential elections in November 2024. And what is frightening are the forecasts showing that he could win. It is difficult to predict what kind of impact his potential re-election would have on America and the world in which America plays one of the main roles.

I recently saw videos on the news from Italy 2024 with a large group of neo-fascists resolutely greeting with the fascist salute. It seemed like a picture from the early forties of the last century. Neo-Nazis are also growing stronger in Germany.

Genocide against the Palestinian people is taking place in the Gaza Strip. Dozens or hundreds of Palestinians are killed every day, among them women and children, innocent civilians. Last night I watched Al Jazeera news where a little Palestinian girl from Gaza said she was scared. Her mom comforted her and said it will pass. That little girl reminded me of another one we met through her diary, Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who died in a concentration camp in 1945 in Germany. I don't need to emphasize who Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in that story.



Sunday, June 9th, 2024

Palestinian girl. Copyright Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu via Getty Images

Anne Frank, whose teenage diary has become the most famous diary in the world. Photograph: Everett Collection / Rex Feature

Sve su Palestinske djevojčice u Gazi Ana Frank


U svijetu se danas puno toga nelijepog dešava. U Evropi već treću godinu bijesni rat u kojem okupatorska Rusija pokušava pokoriti Ukrajinu. Ruski je predsjednik Putin zamislio da će rat dobiti u tren oka, a sad preko dvije godine kasnije si ne može priuštiti da prizna poraz. Šalje mlade ruske vojnika u smrt samo da bi ostvario ciljeve koji se čine gotovo osobni. Ukrajinski predsjednik Zelinskyy smatra da bi rat u Ukrajini mogao eskalrati u 3. svjetski rat ukoliko se rat ne obuzda uz pomoć zapadnih saveznika Ukrajine.

U Americi se odvija saga bez presedana. Okrivljeni bivši predsjednik Donald Trump će možda iz zatvora voditi predsjedničku kampanju za predsjednicke izbore u novembru 2024. I ono što je zastrašujuće prognose pokazuju da bi mogao pobijediti. Teško je predvidjeti kakav će odijek njegov ponovni potencijalni izbor imati na Ameriku i svijet u kojem Amerika igra jednu od glavnih uloga.

Nedavno sam na vijestima vidjela video snimke iz Italije 2024. sa povećom grupom neofašista koji odlučno pozdravljaju fašističkim pozdravom. Činilo se kao slika iz ranih četrdesetih prošlog stoljeća. I u Njemackoj jačaju neonacisti.

U pojasu Gaze odvija se genocid nad Palestinskim narodom. Desetci ili stotine Palestinaca pogiba svaki dan, među njima žene i djeca, nedužni civili. Sinoć sam pogledala Al Jazeera vijesti na kojima jedna mala Palestinska djevojčica iz Gaze govorila kako ju je strah. Mama ju je tješila i rekla proći će. Podsjetila me ta djevojčica na jednu drugu koju smo upoznali preko njezinog dnevnika, Anu Frank. Ana Frank je bila židovska djevojčica koja je umrla u koncentracijskom logoru 1945. u Njemačkoj. Ne moram onda posebno naglasiti tko je u toj priči izraelski premijer Netanyahu.



Nedelja, 9. lipnja 2024.

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