Years, months and days pass in a sequence and once we turn around, look behind us and see that a part of life has passed. However, there are days and events that stick in our memory more than others, and these are certainly our children's graduations. So behind me is an extraordinary day in which my daughter graduated from the Master's of Research Degree in Biomedical Sciences. The day began with the obtaining of the graduation uniform, cloak and cap that all graduates in the UK wear at that festive moment. After picking up the robe, my daughter shone in an attire I had never seen before, and when I saw her, I was overwhelmed with pride and joy.
After we finished the taking pictures section, we both headed to the next building for the awards ceremony where Sara's friend Steph won the prize for data processing in biology. There we met Steph's parents and brother, with whom we headed to the garden party after the award ceremony. At the party Steph and Sara met two more close friends and one of the mentors.
Steph's parents booked a wonderful restaurant for lunch and invited us too. It is a restaurant where Princess Diana, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Jones and many other famous people once visited. We are grateful to Steph's parents for taking us to that wonderful restaurant and contributing to make the day even more beautiful and memorable.
The act of graduation itself started at 3 in the afternoon. Among the many students for graduation, there were those who had just graduated with a bachelor’s degree and there were the most of them. They were followed by those who had a master's degree and only a few dozen who had just received their doctorate. The ceremony began with the arrival of the academics and then with the speech of the vice chancellor. After the official introduction and speech, the candidate promotion procedure began. When they called my Sara's name, I beamed with pride and joy like every parent in the room. The promotion lasted about one and a half to two hours and ended with a concert and the academics leaving first.
After the promotion, Sara went to celebrate with her friends, and I decided to go to a nearby cinema. It was a wonderful day and my Sara and I will remember it for the rest of our lives.
Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Promocija – dan za pamćenje
Godine, mjeseci i dani prolaze u nekom nizu i jednom se okrenemo, pogledamo iza sebe i vidimo da je dio života prošao. Postoje ipak dani i događanja koja nam se usijeku u sjećanje više od ostalih, a to su sasvim sigurno promocije naše djece. Tako je i iza mane jedan izvanserijski dan u kojem je moja kćer promovirana u magistru Biomedicinskih znanosti. Dan je započeo podizanjem odore za promociju, ogrtača i kape koju svi promovirani u Velikoj Britaniji imaju u tom svečanom trenutku. Nakon podizanja odore moja je kćer zasjala u meni do sad neviđenom ruhu i kad sam ju ugledala preplavili su me ponos i radost.
Nakon što smo odradile sekciju slikanja obije smo se uputile u susjednu zgradu na dodijelu nagrada na kojoj je Sarina prijateljica Steph dobila nagradu za obradu podataka u biologiji. Tu smo upoznale Stephine roditelje i brata sa kojima smo se nakon dodijele nagrada uputile prema vrtnom domjenku. Na njemu su se Steph i Sara susrele sa još dvije bliske prijateljice i sa nekim od mentora.
Stephini roditelji su rezervirali jedan divan restoran za ručak i pozvali su i nas. To je restoran u kojem su nekada gostovali, Princeza Diana, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Jones i monoge druge slavne osobe. Zahvalne smo Stephinim roditeljima što su nas poveli u taj divni restoran i doprinijeli da dan bude još ljepši i upečatljiviji.
Sam čin promocije započeo je u 3 poslijepodne. Među brojnim studentima za promociju našli su se oni koji su upravo diplomirali i njih je bilo najviše. Slijedili su oni koji su magistrirali i samo nekoliko desetaka onih koji su upravo doktorirali. Svečanost je zapocela dolaskom profesora i potom govorom rektorice. Nakon službenog uvoda i govora započela je procedura promocije kandidata. Kad su prozvali moju Saru zasjala sam od ponosa i radosti kao i svaki roditelj u prostoriji. Promoviranje je trajalo nekih sat i pol do dva i završilo svirkom uz odlazak profesora prvih.
Nakon promocije Sara je otišla slaviti sa svojim prijateljicama, a ja sam se odlučila za obližnje kino. Divan dan je prošao i moja SaraiI ja ćemo ga pamtiti za život.
Četvrtak, 18. srpnja 2024.